
Featured Articles

Children of Monticello

Author: Lucian K. Truscott IV

A descendant of Thomas Jefferson comments on the quarrel over who can be allowed in the family graveyard, and the missing remains of Sally Hemings. The outcome of the dispute is important to every American.

Flipping The Meat Train

Author: Dale Wasserman

One of the last veterans; of a dangerous violent, exhilarating way of life tells of a youth spent on the Road.

When Pop Turned The Art World Upside Down

Author: Tony Scherman

Andy Warhol and friends oversaw the death of a centuries-old tradition and the birth of the postmodern.

A War Against History

Author: Roger J. Spiller

It's the tenth anniversary of the Gulf War. America certainly didn't lose, but what else do we know about it?

The Electoral College: How It Got That Way and Why We're Stuck With It

Author: Frederic D. O'Brien

It was never designed to actually elect a President, it’s awkward, cumbersome, and confusing, and almost no one likes it. Americans have been trying to get rid of it for more than two centuries. Yet it’s still here. Now we are seeing renewed efforts to reform or eliminate the Electoral College. Will they succeed? Don’t bet on it.