
Featured Articles

Mr. Hardy Lee, His Yacht.


Will success spoil Hardy Lee? Or, a nautical tale with a pertinent moral

“The Thundering Water”

Author: Bruce Catton

From the start, Niagara has been over publicized, but somehow its authentic majesty has survived

“We Are All Descended From Grandfathers!”

Author: Oliver Jensen

and… …a glimpse at the grandfathers of the candidates exhibits the wonderful diversity of American life

The First Flag-Raising on Iwo Jima

Author: Richard Wheeler

A single great photograph has become an indelible symbol of the Marines’ heroic fight for the Japanese island. But hours earlier a now-almost-forgotten platoon had raised the first American flag on Mt. Suribachi’s scarred summit—and under enemy fire

A Yankee Barbarian At The Shogun’s Court

Author: Emily Hahn

Spies and assassins stalked our first consul to Japan, his hosts bluntly told him to leave, and his own government neglected him

Whaling Wife


Being Eliza Williams’s own journal of her thirty-eight-month voyage with her husband, master of the ship Florida, from New Bedford to Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk in pursuit of the great whales

The Sound Of Bells

Author: Eric Sloane

Ten Nights In A Bar Room

Author: William M. Clark

“Father! Won't you come home?” little Mary begged. And right before your eyes in the temperance speaker's slides you saw the grief his refusal caused. The melodrama was broad, but many a man paused before taking another drink

Summer Sunday

Author: Eric F. Goldman

Coatesville, Pennsylvania, dozed fitfully in the oppressive heat of August. Then two shots rang out, and set off an ugly train of racial violence