
Featured Articles

What Happened To Organized Labor?

Author: Daniel Nelson

FIFTY YEARS AGO unions seemed invincible, but they’ve been losing battles and members ever since. The reasons their fortunes fell suggest that they’re sure to rise again.

How I Met Lincoln

Author: Harold Holzer

Some distinguished enthusiasts reveal just how they fell under his powerful spell

The Trouble With The Bixby Letter

Author: Michael Burlingame

The stirring Civil War document featured in Saving Private Ryan grew out of a lie and probably wasn’t really written by Lincoln

Hot Rods Redux

Author: Brock Yates

Decades after they were first cobbled together by enthusiastic amateurs, they are coming to be recognized as perhaps the supreme folk art of the American century

Straight Talk From Camp Humbug

Author: Orlando Bolivar Willcox

A soldier’s timeless meditation on the frustrations of military life

America and the Holocaust

Author: William J. Vanden Heuvel

The United States and FDR watched the extermination of the Jews with such total indifference that they were actually accomplices — or so says a growing number of historians. Is this true?