
Featured Articles

A Far-flung People

Author: Peter Farb

The unique, durable culture of the Eskimo included settling arguments with song and sharimong friends

Dearest Friends

Author: Margaret L. Coit

The courtship and fifty-four-year marriage of John and Abigail Adams was, despite separation and war and tragedy, a moving and highly literate love feast between two "Dearest Friends"

“a Chase Up Into The Sky”

Author: Frances Low

With Al Smith its No. 1 booster, the Empire State Building rose amid the rubble of the Depression. Is its glory at an end?

Grant And The Politicians

Author: Bruce Catton

It was almost election time, the unpopular war was stalemated, the casualty lists were growing, and the President’s opponents cried “Peace!” Then the new commanding general moved with consummate political as well as military skill

The Awkward Interval

Author: Laurin L. Henry

Our antiquated elective system gives an outgoing President or congressman egregious opportunity for farewells—and mischief

A Reasonable Doubt

Author: Dan T. Carter

HISTORY AT MIDDLE DISTANCE The charge was rape. The accuser was a southern white woman, the accused were Negroes. But what kind of woman was Victoria Price? And what had really happened aboard that freight train?